Guns That You Can Find Over Again Borderlands
While the announcement ofBorderlands 3 may have been the most exciting news to come out of Gearbox's recent panel at PAX East 2019, some fans were certain to also be intrigued by the reveal of a remastered version of the originalBorderlands, officially titled Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition . Now, Borderlandsremastered has been released, and a newly discovered glitch is making it simple for players to farm those desirable new legendary items.
Performing this glitch inBorderlands: Game of the Year Edition requires that a player be able to slay the Destroyer, a challenging level 32 boss located in the Vault. After defeating the Destroyer, players are rewarded with a number of red chests, one of which is guaranteed to grant one of the six new legendaries added in Borderlandsremastered.
Of course, the intention is that looting these chests be done once for a single legendary, and then players are to be on their way to get Borderlands remastered's shift codes and progress through the game. However, players have discovered that they can open the Destroyer's chests ad infinitum, and executing the glitch that facilitates this is quite simple.
To begin, players should start in the Vault and make sure that the Destroyer has been felled. Now, these players should fast travel to any DLC — the Underdome is a perfect option. Once in this new location, the next step is to save quit the game.
Now, the player should load back into Borderlands remastered, finding themselves in the DLC where they have just save quit. From there, it is as simple as fast traveling back to the Vault, where all of the Destoryer's chests will have respawned. This process can be repeated until a player has acquired all of the legendaries that they desire.
To note, the non-legendary items found in the Destroyer's chests will be scaled to the story level, which means that they will not be of much use to most high level players. However, the legendary that is looted will be at the player's level, which is certain to be exciting news to those interested in employing this glitch.
Indeed, there are a number of Borderlandsremastered changes that distinguish it from the original release, but exploitable loot farming is certainly something that old fans will be familiar with. That said, this glitch could definitely be fixed in short order, putting a quick end to easy legendaries.
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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